The CFGL International Research Competition 2022

CDFGL International Research Competition

About the Contest

The CFGL International Research Competition is an research essay competition in which students outside the USA receive the opportunity to showcase their analytical, research, and writing skills in the form of a multi-page, persuasive research paper.


Write a persuasive research paper falling within the categories of:


  1. Social Psychology

  2. Abnormal Behavior

  3. Cognitive Science

  4. Developmental Psychology


  1. Immunology

  2. Pharmacology

  3. Bioengineering

  4. Chemical Engineering

Economics & Finance

  1. Financial Market

  2. Economic Policy

  3. Economic Politics

  4. Entrepreneurship

Other Subjects

  1. Environmental Science

  2. Computer Science

  3. History

The essay will be judged based on:

  • The strength and clarity of the thesis statement;

  • The use of relevant examples and informations to support the paper’s claims;

  • The level of critical thinking and analysis regarding the supporting evidence;

  • Fluency and organization; and

  • The paper’s overall effectiveness

Rules & Guidelines

Essay submissions should be 2,000 to 3,000 words.

Students should use in-text citations following MLA format, and an annotated bibliography should be submitted as the last page of the document. 3 sources minimum, Wikipedia is not allowed.

All pages are to be double-spaced, and the text should be in 12-point Times New Roman font. Margins should be 1-inch left, right, top, and bottom. Submissions may be submitted as either a .pdf or .doc file.

Students must submit their entries via the online submission form.

In each category (Humanities, STEM, Economics & Finance), submissions will be selected for recognition by region. In addition to the regional award recipients, three overall winners will be selected for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for the entirety of the competition.

Winners will be announced by September 30, 2022. Individual winners will be notified via email. Winning submissions may be published on and on our partner organizations' websites (e.g.


The competition opens on June 7, 2022. Final submissions are due no later than August 31, 2022.

Who Is Eligible

Students from the following region in grades 9-12 as of the 2021-22 academic year.

  • Asia Pacific

  • North America excluding USA (Canada, Mexico)