Creating Opportunities for Tomorrow's Global Leaders 


CFGL Summer 2024 Competitions


CFGL Spirit of Service Contest

The Center for Future Global Leaders, in partnership with Elite Educational Institute, wishes to empower students to serve their communities by funding outstanding passion projects. Create a proposal for a service project that benefits your immediate and/or greater community.

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CFGL Young Leaders Essay Contest

The Center for Future Global Leaders, in partnership with Elite Educational Institute, invites students to exercise their leadership potential by using their written voices to say something meaningful. The essay topic for summer 2024 is: “Leadership can be defined in many ways. Choose a trait and explain why you think it exemplifies leadership. How have you experienced or incorporated this trait in your own life?”

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CFGL Young Artists Contest

The Center for Future Global Leaders believes that we transform the world as we transform ourselves. From personal growth to societal advancement, transformation is a marker of change, progress, and evolution. This summer, CFGL invites young artists in grades 9-12 to submit an original work of art inspired by the idea of TRANSFORMATION.

View 2024 Young Artists Contest Winners »


we are

Center for Future Global Leaders

Formed in 2006, the Center for Future Global Leaders (CFGL) is a non-profit organization dedicated to cultivating the youth of today into the leaders of tomorrow through educational attainment and character development. 

CFGL believes that providing access to quality educational opportunities to young people of all economic and social backgrounds and fostering good character development are the key means to shaping the youth of today to become future leaders who will make lasting contributions to all sectors of society from business to government, from law to medicine, from politics to religion, from public service to the arts.

CFGL strives to achieve its stated goal by providing educational opportunities, including the sponsorship of educational programs and scholarships. More specifically, CFGL provides support to educational and leadership organizations and programs around the world, sponsors international academic competitions, funds academic scholarships, and provides mentoring programs to students and their families.



Faiza’s Journey at Elite Open School

When Roshan Learning Center’s collaboration with Elite Open School started in August 2019, Faiza was part of our first cohort of students. Her journey has been nothing short of inspiring.

Faiza wasn’t always a morning person. “I couldn’t imagine waking up at 6 or 5,” she says. Now, she wakes up before 6 AM and gets ready for school in Roshan’s Elite Open School program. She has to leave early since she travels between one and two hours to get to the center. After she arrives, she goes straight to the class where she continues with English, math, civics, and science studies. In three years, she has changed, and things have changed, too, for her family.

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International Academic Competitions

Among the various activities that CFGL sponsors are the International Academic Competitions (IAC), a triad of academic competitions that seek to recognize outstanding achievement in the areas of essay writing, mathematical problem solving, and mastery of English vocabulary.


Supporting academic and leadership programs around the world


The Center for Future Global Leaders has provided support to numerous academic and youth leadership organizations and programs in the United States and around the world, each of which shares the goal of developing future leaders in society by increasing the availability of educational opportunities and developing strong moral character.


Sustainable Development Research Foundation


m.Kainos Camp


Lincoln Heights Project